Economics Socium Environment
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2021, 10 (29): 39-44
UDC [330.341 : 387.1
DOI: 10.37100/2616-7689.2021.10(29).5
Kseneya Shurda
Doctor of Economics,
Ukrainian Scientific Center of Ecology of the Sea (UkrSCES)

Abstract: The purpose of marine economic activities is to obtain economic, social, scientific, political, military and other types of effect to ensure sustainable development of Ukraine. The article discusses the characteristic features of marine economic activities, substantiates the need to clarify the widely used concept of "marine activity", given in the "Marine Doctrine of Ukraine for the period up to 2035", offers a more correct interpretation of this concept. The necessity of coordinating the actions of the entities operating in the sea space and in the coastal zone, which carry out various types of marine economic activity, is proved, possible types of marine economic activity are given. It is proposed to use the National Classifier of Ukraine "Classification of Economic Activities Types" to create a classification scheme for types of marine economic activities. The advantages and disadvantages of its application are presented, as well as the possibility of forming on its basis a detailed classification of types marine economic activity. The necessity of integrated management of marine economic activity is substantiated in order to remove existing and prevent future contradictions, as well as to coordinate the actions of economic entities. It is shown that integrated management will fully ensure the rational use of the marine environment, its resources and sustainable development of seaside regions. Particular attention in the article is paid to the issues of ecologization of the marine economic complex on the basis of the inclusion an ecological factor in the financial-economic relations of marine economic activity and the stimulation of the rational use of marine resources. The priority tasks for the construction of an economic mechanism for marine nature-exploitation have been formulated, taking into account the peculiarities of the development the seaside regions of Ukraine, the national marine policy and types of marine activities. A system of tools is presented, which are the basis for the formation of an economic-ecological mechanism of marine nature-exploitation.
Key words: marine economic activity, coastal zone, classification of economic activity types, economic mechanism, ecologization of marine nature-exploitation, management of marine nature-exploitation
Language version: English

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Article publication date: 2021
Date of online version: 2021